Young People's Guild (YPG)
Young People's Guild (YPG) is the youth wing of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and consists of members from 18 to 30 years. The ministry to this peculiar group is aimed at guiding them to remember their creator in their youthful days- Ecclesiastes 11:2-10- and nurturing them to direct their strength to the worship of God. Capacity building is consciously done by the Church at this stage. Their activities include Bible study, prayer, symposiums on issues such as career guidance, preparation for marriage, etc., pick and act, under the coconut tree, son ministration, etc. Motto: Knowing His will and to do it Greeting: Y Response: PG If one goes further to say "PG" then the response is " Service all the way".

Children Ministry
The children ministry consists of children from birth to twelve (12) years. They are giving special instruction and training which gives them the opportunity to worship God and grow in Him. Train up the child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.-Proverbs 22:6. God is raising a special group through the Children Service for this and generations to come. Their greeting: Yesu ( Jesus) Response: Mmofra adamfo ( the friend of children)

Junior Youth (JY)
The Junior Youth (JY) is a generational group in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and comprises of members of the church who range from the age of 12 to 18. It is an interesting group due to the interesting developmental stage of the members -teenagers. They are lovely to see worshiping. Their teachings are contextualized to meet their peculiar needs. Group motto: Show Yourself Approved of God- 1 Timothy 2:15 Greeting: JY Response: Youth for Jesus When one goes ahead to say " Youth for Jesus," the response is "Show yourself approved of God". Their leaders are: Leaders 1.

Young Adult Fellowship (YAF)
The Young Adult Fellowship (YAF) is made up of young adults in the Church from 30 to 40 years. Their activities include Bible study, prayer, talk, song ministration, etc. It is a wonderful group doing wonderful things to the glory of God. Greeting: YAF Response: Fellowship in Christ

Women's Fellowship
The women's fellowship is a group consisting of women from the age of forty upward. It is a ministry tailored to give our women teachings to be women of virtue (Proverbs 31:10-31). You cannot be missing in this group. It is so lovely and great to be there. Their activities include Bible Study, Prayer, Talks, Learning of Songs, etc. The motto of the group is " LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE" The greeting of the group is " Yehowa Nni Woakyi" ( May Jehova be with you" and the response is " Yehowa Nhyira Wo" ( May Jehova Bless You).

Men's Fellowship
The Men's Fellowship is the ministry of the Church to men of forty(40) years and above. The activities of this group are meant to help our honorable men to be examples to their families as family head ( Ephesians 5:25-29) and be the light of the world to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. These gallant members of our Church meet to pray, discuss the scripture, learn songs, etc. Their greeting is " Monsuro" (Do not fear) and the response is "Nyame ne yen wo ho" (God is with us". We love our men.

Church Choir
The Church Choir is an inter-generational group in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana which any member of the church can join. Its main ministry is singing. They sing to glorify God and inspire as well as edify people. The Church Choir processes to usher the minister to the chapel on Sunday and other special services. They lead the church to sing hymns. They as well sing anthems and other contemporary songs during church service. At the end of the service the Church Choir recesses the minister out of the chapel.

Bible Study & Prayer Group
The Bible Study and Prayer Group (BSPG) is an intergenerational group in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana and comprises of people who have dedicated themselves to prayer and the study of the Bible. The BSPG is basically the evangelism wing of the Church.

Singing Band
The singing band is one of the inter-generational groups in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. Any member of the church in the adult service can join this group. Their main ministry in the church is singing. They have some traditional songs which souls are always longing to hear and dance to. Their songs are peculiar and are Holy Spirit inspired. Greeting: Yonko do Response: Biakoye

Praises Team
The children ministry consists of children from birth to twelve (12) years. They are giving special instruction and training which gives them the opportunity to worship God and grow in Him. Train up the child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.-Proverbs 22:6. God is raising a special group through the Children Service for this and generations to come. Their greeting: Yesu ( Jesus) Response: Mmofra adamfo ( the friend of children)